Friday, January 24, 2014

Give your hair body and shine, while preventing split ends!

Honey Hair Mask:
2 tablespoons of olive oil or sunflower oil
1 1/2 tablespoons of honey
1 egg yolk

Mix together, and then apply the mixture smoothly onto your hair.
Wear a shower cap over your head for thirty minutes.
After 30 minutes, rinse off substance with warm water.
Shampoo hair and apply your normal conditioner.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Face Tightening Mask:Korean's Remedy

Having saggy,dull skin can be a hassle, especially when your last resort is a plastic surgeon- hold the needle! Try this ancient remedy for face tightening. A friend of mine, whom lives in Korean, says she uses this mask all the time and so do her friends to prevent aging to the skin: 

Korean Face Tightening Mask:
2 eggs (to nourish and firm the skin)
flour (to adsorb excess oil)
1 mashed cucumber with out the skin (to refresh)

Mix the ingredients together and apply to a clean face. Leave on for 5 to 15 minutes before washing off your face with warm water, and then splash your face with cold water. Using this mask weekly will give your face the most hydrated,tighter, refresh looking skin.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Change your eye color naturally by cleansing your colon:

Not only is licorice oil great for the skin and the internal organs, it actually makes your iris brighter. Apply this to any fluid, a great fluid to drink with this oil is Green or White tea. Green or White tea has lots of benefits too, so the tea plus licorice oil will have your iris lighten in no time. Also, to save up on money- try buying an all natural licorice tea bags. **Drink it, do not pour it into your eyes please.** 

UPDATE: I have tried this tea, and I must tell you this- IT WORKS! My eyes were dark brown, now they're light brown. They keep getting lighter every time I drink this tea. Also, this tea is very tasty and beneficial to your skin and body. 

Face Brightener and Tighten Mask

Use this scrub two to three times a week, also don't forget to apply a moisturizer afterwards. 

Instant Face Brightener and Firming Mask:
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoon of sugar

Mix and apply to the face in a circular motion,don't forget your neck.
Rinse off with water. *Don't forget to use a moisturizer*

Get Rid of Dark Marks Instantly

When you finally get rid of your acne, there's another round to knock out- blemishes. This mask fades dark spots.

Banyan Tree Face Mask:
1 table spoon of oatmeal
1/3 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of honey
1/2 teaspoon of milk powder
1 tablespoon of hot water

1.Place the oatmeal in a bowl, add the hot water and mix
2. Add the rest of the ingredients into the mixture and mix
3. Gently massage the paste onto your face, leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash it off with cold water.

Instantly Exfoliate, Brighten, and Make your Face Glow

Before their wedding, Indian women use this mask to leave their face even more beautiful and radiant. 

Indian Bridal Glowing Mask:
1 cup of chickpea flour
3 tablespoons of turmeric (powder form)
almond oil (if allergic to almond, use olive oil) 
use enough almond oil to make a paste

~Add the ingredients into the bowl 
~stir into a paste
~apply to a clean face and body
~Use your hands to rub off the paste (this helps in exfoliating your skin and also getting rid of facial hair)
~Remove the rest by rinse your face and body off with water

Usage: Use once a week for softer, radiant, glowing skin

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Get rid of stretch marks with this oil

This quick adsorbing oil will leave your skin soft and stretch marks free- so what is it? White Camellia Oil. You can find this oil at your local organic store.  is another great place to get this oil. 

Reduce Oil and Break Outs The "Witch" Way.

No, this doesn't have anything to do with magic. Rose Water and Witch Hazel together will heal break outs and prevents oil from building up in your skin. There isn't an accurate measurements for this remedy, so you just have to play this by eye. You can even put it in a spray bottle and every day, twice a day you spray your face with this remedy. 

The English Way For Getting Soft Skin This Winter

Winter has hit fully, and now everyone is or soon to be battling with chapped lips, and dry skin when going out doors. Lots of English lasses use glycerin to soften skin and lips. 
You can find glycerin at Walmart. 

The Best Of Mink Oil: Vanishing flaws for decades!

Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, but good news. I received two all around the world modern/ancient day natural remedies books. So I will be blogging a lot. 

Although, Mink Oil is still widely popular  in Belgium, it was use for decades. Mink Oil 
smooths fine lines/ winkles, age spots, gets rid of blemishes, stretch marks, scars, and helps soothe irritated skin. Mink Oil is something you'll usually find at your local organic store or online.