Saturday, January 18, 2014

Face Tightening Mask:Korean's Remedy

Having saggy,dull skin can be a hassle, especially when your last resort is a plastic surgeon- hold the needle! Try this ancient remedy for face tightening. A friend of mine, whom lives in Korean, says she uses this mask all the time and so do her friends to prevent aging to the skin: 

Korean Face Tightening Mask:
2 eggs (to nourish and firm the skin)
flour (to adsorb excess oil)
1 mashed cucumber with out the skin (to refresh)

Mix the ingredients together and apply to a clean face. Leave on for 5 to 15 minutes before washing off your face with warm water, and then splash your face with cold water. Using this mask weekly will give your face the most hydrated,tighter, refresh looking skin.

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