Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Rich Milk Wash

Now a days, body washes are filled with chemicals and ingredients that are harmful, thankfully there's a wash that's been used thousands of years ago! This wash exfoliates your skin, safely.


1 cup of powdered goat's milk
1 cup of quick-cooking oats

1. Process the two ingredients in a blender or a food processor
2.Add however much you want into a tub filled with warm or hot water
3.Store the rest in an air tight container.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Ancient Remedy For Brittle Nails

Olive Oil And Lemon Juice:

These two powerful ingredients working together can strengthen, whiten, and make your nails grow longer. Soak nails in 3 drops of olive oil and 2 drops of a half of lemon, twice a week for a month. 

How To Have A Healthy, Glowing Complexion

We've always been told to rinse our faces after washing with a cleanser, facial, and other beauty products with cold water. Cold water isn't only just for the face, its for your internal and outer body! 

When you don't feel like putting on make up, but you still want to look radiant- take a shower like normally with warm water and after you are done washing up, rinse your body and face off with cold water. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ancient Remedy To Get Longer, Fuller Eyelashes

Who doesn't want to have long, full eyelashes to the point where people think you are wearing false eyelashes? Not only does eyelashes protect your eyes, it also flatters them. Let's get straight to the remedy!

Olive Oil,Castor Oil, and Coconut Oil

These three ingredients are great to use for hair growth, but what about eyelash growth? In fact it does grow your eye lashes longer! Do three drops of olive oil, 6 drops of castor oil, and 10 drops of coconut oil into a dropper. Apply to your eyelashes 1-3 times a day, every day. You will start seeing results with in 2 WEEKS!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Teeth Whitening Ancient Remedy

Sorry for not blogging constantly like usual, but to make it up I will post three new remedies! One for longer eyelashes, another for finger nails, and last but not  least, one for teeth. Speaking of teeth, don't you hate it when your teeth stains wont go away no matter how much you brush? Well I have cheerful news for you! I know a secret into whiten your teeth while at home! Yes, I said at home. I'm going to give you this easy remedy, starting...now.

Strawberries are more than just a healthy, tasty fruit- it can also whiten your teeth!They  may help whiten teeth because 

they contain 

an enzyme called malic acid, 

which can be found in some 

whitening toothpastes. It also behaves as a natural bacterial 

cleanser! How cool is that? 


Smash a strawberry and put it on your teeth

 (it's best to put the smash strawberry on a toothbrush so you 

wont make a mess putting it on your teeth.), wait 

for 5 to 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

**Usage: Twice a week for how ever many months you need to. Also, strawberries contain acid in it so it can strip away your enamel. I recommend only using this remedy every 3 to six months and doing it twice a week for a month**

So there you have it! Thanks for checking out this post. Till next time, ABR

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Get Longer Hair (remedy #2):Ancient remedy

Believe it or not, onion juice applied to the scalp for 15 minutes before you wash your hair, makes it grow!(not only can it make it grow it can reverse grey hairs back to its natural color) I can some what understand why it can boost up your hair production because onion is rich in sulfur, which helps speed up the production of collagen tissues.

Detoxifying Glowing Remedy (Ancient Chinese Remedy)

If you want a glowing complexion or even clearer skin, this drink is the way to go!
half of lemon

Benefits of drinking lemon water:

Every morning, 30 minutes before eating.

Grow Longer Hair Faster! (Rosemary ancient remedy)

If you are looking for a way to grow longer hair, I have a solution! This is a leave in conditioner so you don't have to wash it out! 

2 tablespoons of rosemary leaves
1 cup of warm water (not hot but WARM)

Before we get started, let's go over the benefits of having rosemary water absorbed into your scalp. 

  • It thickens your hair
  • It prevents hair lost
  • Makes hair shinier
  • Increases circulation in your scalp
  • prevents premature grey hairs
  • MIGHT reverse grey hairs back to original color
  • Get rid of dry,flaky scalp

Now that we have an idea of how our hair will be after using this product over and over, lets begin with the directions!

Pour water into a container
put the leaves in it also
leave the mix over night
When you wake up, take the leaves out of the water

*You can use this while or after massaging your head every night or any time of the day you want.*

You can do it once or twice a day, you should see results with in a month or so.

Carrot Juice To Lighten Your Eyes

)A carrot a day can keep the eye doctor away, saying goes way beyond what you think. I've been researching different methods to lighten your eyes naturally, even though I have green eye contact lenses, I want to have natural hazel eyes even when I'm not having my contact lenses on. I heard of this method, you take a carrot (baby carrots are the best because it doesn't have the hairs and stuff on it.) and place it into a blender and blend it until its liquid. Then you stir until its soupy like and doesn't have clumps in it. Afterwards you pour into an eye drop bottle and put it in the refrigerator. A minute later just put one drop of carrot juice into your eyes. I'm not for sure when you will see results, but I have heard that it takes a shorter time to lighten eyes than honey does. 

Pure Honey To Lighten Your Eyes

Did you know that one drop of honey mix with a little of water can lighten your eyes?! Crazy right, but it's true!  I'll try this "myth" out and see if it works for me (I have really really dark brown eyes) and then I'll update this post to share my experience! Check out the videos below:

Gogi Berries Benefits

You might not have heard of "gogi berries" but they are the best type of berries anyone should eat! Especially if you have a weak immune system. 

Here are some wonderful benefits of gogi berries! 

Before I shall began I have to put out a disclaimer:
There may be some possible herb-drug interactions with goji berries. If you take warfarin (a blood thinner), you may want to avoid goji berries. Goji berries may also interact with diabetes and blood pressure drugs.

When eaten in moderation, goji berries appear to be safe. 
Before adding goji berries or supplements to your diet, discuss your concerns with your health care provider

  • One of the most nutritionally-rich fruits on the planet
  •  Considered to have a complete source of protein
  • A single gogi berry can obtain to 21 trace minerals including: zinc, iron, copper, and calcium.
  • loaded with vitamin C
  • contains more carotenoids than any other food
  • High in fiber
  • has natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal compounds.
  • helps eyesight
  • helps lower back pain
  • helps dizziness 
You have to be really careful when buying dry gogi berries 

or gogi juice because some brands claim they are "100%" 

natural but they really aren't.

Skin Lightening Facial Mask (Remedy #1)

This is an Ancient Indian remedy that will work for all skin tones/ skin types. There's a lot of ancient remedies for lightening skin but today I'm just going to tell you one of them.


1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
2 teaspoon of plain yogurt


Pour the turmeric into a bowl
then add the plain yogurt
stir until it's smooth
Apply to a clean face
wait for 15 minutes
wash off with warm water
rinse with cold water

Aloe Vera Facial Firming Mask

We all hate having a sagging face or neck, yet we don't want to spend lots of money trying to fix it. Aloe Vera is a great remedy to tighten skin, actually this plant has a lot of benefits than just tightening skin! 


One Aloe Vera Leaf


~With a sharp knife, separate a full leaf from the base of the plant. 
~Next, cut the bottom 2 inches (the thickest, juiciest part) off the leaf.  This is what you will use for the mask.
~There will be pointed “teeth” along both edges. Slice down one side removing just the teeth. Now cutting into the leaf from this side, slice it open along its length.  You should end up with the 2-inch section of leaf open like a book.  It will be wet with fresh aloe vera gel inside.  
~ Apply the gel onto your freshly washed face. Take care with the corners of the plant around eyes and other tender areas.
~ As you allow the aloe gel to dry, you will feel a tightening and firming of your skin. 
~Once it has fully dried and the "magic" has been absorbed, rinse your face and apply your favorite moisturizer. 

DIY: Glowing Skin (ancient) Remedy

Update**: I decided to try this remedy out and unfortunately, the website that I got the measurements from wasn't accurate. 1/8 teaspoon of milk should be TABLESPOON, (if its not a smooth paste keep adding milk, if it gets too soupy add a little more flour. ) 1 teaspoon of honey should be 1 TABLESPOON. 3/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder should be 1 teaspoon. So ignore the bottom measurements below and go with the measurements in this paragraph. 

Now that fall has started, (to some-winter) our faces are getting drier or we look very dull. If you still want that summer glow, you should totally try this remedy!


~Pure Honey
~Gram Flour
~Turmeric Powder
~ Milk


2 table spoons of gram flour
3/4 tea spoons of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of pure honey
1/8 teaspoon of milk


Place the gram flour into the bowl
then apply the turmeric powder
mix the two 
apply the pure honey into the mix
stir the three ingredients
then apply the milk into the bowl
stir all together to get a smooth paste

Apply the paste onto a clean face (you can apply it with a Popsicle stick) 
wait for 15 minutes
wash the mask off with warm water
rinse face with cold water

The Dead Sea (Exfoliating Bath)

In Ancient History, there were people who took water from the Dead Sea and bath in it, to get a healthy looking skin. Now a days we can have our own "Dead Sea" bath by just applying SEA salt to get rid of our DEAD skin cells.


If you really want this to work, then use these types of sea salt:

Benefits from Sea Salt Bath:

Regular practice of sea salt soaks can be beneficial to those suffering from:
  • Dry skin disorders
  • Acne
  • Musculoskeletal pain and swelling
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Arthritis pain
  • Sports injuries
Some of the internal benefits of sea salt soaks include:
  • Reducing levels of stress
  • Dealing with Insomnia
  • Increasing circulation
  • Expelling toxins from the body

Begin by running hot water in your bathtub. While the tub is filling, add 16 ounces of sea salt to the water. 

Cleansing Face Mask (all in one results)

Who doesn't want to tap into their inner beauty? The main thing Cleopatra did every morning or so, was putting on her cleansing face mask. Although, Cleopatra had a lot of masks that she used to make her skin flawless, these two ingredients will still bring out your inner goddess.



I know what you're thinking, is that all? Well, why yes that is all. Let me explain


- make the face look more radiant.
- Skin smoothing face
- prevent premature aging
- remove stains on the face
- shrink pores
- cure irritation
- reduce irritation and allergic skin reaction
- helps heal wounds
- nourishes and softens the skin
- exfoliates dead skin cells


  • Honey has antibacterial properties, which helps in fighting acne and pimples. Honey reduces infection and is very effective home remedy to treat acne.
  • Honey is a very effective moisturizer for skin. It retains moisture making your skin radiant, soft and supple.
  • Honey properties protect your skin under the sun and assist the skin to rejuvenate and stay young.
  • Honey is a natural remedy to prevent wrinkles. Honey slows down the ageing process.
  • Honey antioxidant properties make it capable to fight against skin damage and skin ageing.

These two ingredients work wonders on there own, but just think how powerful it would be when you mix the two and apply it to the skin!


You can either play this by eye and just pour how ever amount you want for your face or
2 tbsp of honey and 1 tsp of milk


  1. Pour these two ingredients into a bowl
  2. Mix until you have a  paste (pour a little bit of milk in it if its really sticky)
  3.  *Make sure your face has nothing on it, I.E.:make up* Apply the paste onto your face.
  4. Wait for 10-15 minutes
  5. Wash off with warm water 
  6. Rinse with cold water

 NEXT POST: The Dead Sea Bath (Exfoliating bath)

About This Blog

Every day we spend tons of money on plastic surgeries or products that might not work. Yet, in ancient history, everyone wasn't spending money on beauty products because their products was their natural resources. Yes, Cleopatra used home remedies to look gorgeous and so did everyone else. So why spend tons of money on products that might work when you can go right into your pantry to get the items? From facial masks to hair masks- anti acne to even skin tone tips and MORE,this blog is the way to go!