Saturday, December 7, 2013

DIY: Glowing Skin (ancient) Remedy

Update**: I decided to try this remedy out and unfortunately, the website that I got the measurements from wasn't accurate. 1/8 teaspoon of milk should be TABLESPOON, (if its not a smooth paste keep adding milk, if it gets too soupy add a little more flour. ) 1 teaspoon of honey should be 1 TABLESPOON. 3/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder should be 1 teaspoon. So ignore the bottom measurements below and go with the measurements in this paragraph. 

Now that fall has started, (to some-winter) our faces are getting drier or we look very dull. If you still want that summer glow, you should totally try this remedy!


~Pure Honey
~Gram Flour
~Turmeric Powder
~ Milk


2 table spoons of gram flour
3/4 tea spoons of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of pure honey
1/8 teaspoon of milk


Place the gram flour into the bowl
then apply the turmeric powder
mix the two 
apply the pure honey into the mix
stir the three ingredients
then apply the milk into the bowl
stir all together to get a smooth paste

Apply the paste onto a clean face (you can apply it with a Popsicle stick) 
wait for 15 minutes
wash the mask off with warm water
rinse face with cold water

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